How Fast Do You See Results With Intermittent Fasting

How Fast Do You See Results With Intermittent Fasting

The night I realized I always need to carry snacks with me to stave off hangry spells, my sister was discussing the panel on sexual harassment and assault we'd just attended when I turned to her and said, "I'm sorry, I just can't with this conversation right now" in a voice that didn't sound sorry at all. She got this look on her face; the only way I know how to describe it is a "tuck your tail between your legs" look.

ashley and her husband
Ashley and her husband in Iceland.

Ashley Edwards Walker

I'd seen it before. Whenever I'd go too long between meals, low blood sugar transformed me into a character much more frightening than the ones in those Snickers commercials. Some people can keep smiling as their stomachs grumble. I am not one of those people.

But I am a person who likes to try new things, especially when it comes to diet and exercise: Whole30, dry January, aerial yoga, trapeze, the list goes on. So when my editor asked me if I'd be game to try trendy intermittent fasting, or "IF," for one week, it was a quick yes.

Multiple Sclerosis runs in my family, and I'd read fasting can help quell some of the inflammatory symptoms. (I don't have it, but figured the info would be helpful). Plus, it's the diet that Jimmy Kimmel used to lose all that weight, and I too am always trying — okay, talking about trying — to drop 10 pounds. So, while I knew there was a decent chance that my husband would be on the receiving end of at least one hunger-induced meltdown, I decided to go all in.

Editor's note: Weight loss, health and body image are complex subjects — before deciding to go on this diet, we invite you gain a broader perspective by reading our exploration into the hazards of diet culture.

The Plan: Working Up to 18 Hours of Fasting

To get started, GH hooked me up with Jaclyn London, MS, RD, CDN, Nutrition Director at the Good Housekeeping Institute, to give me the low-down. She confirmed that while there are some claims that intermittent fasting can benefit your health and promote weight loss, the data pool is pretty small.

"My hesitation in recommending the diet overall is that research is pretty limited," London told me. "There have been some human studies linking IF to reduced cognitive decline in at-risk populations, improving markers of oxidative stress, and weight loss. But for the most part, larger-scale studies have found that there's virtually no difference between alternate-day fasting and simply restricting calories daily."

There are three main approaches to IF: time-restricted fasting, where you limit your eating to a set time every day and fast for the other 12 to 18 hours; modified fasting (a.k.a. the 5:2 diet that Kimmel follows), where you eat just 25% of your recommended daily calorie intake two days per week and eat normally otherwise; and alternate fasting, where you switch between periods of consuming zero-calorie foods and beverages and actually eating.

London recommended I go with the time-restricted fasting since you can start small and work your way up. Since the cognitive benefits are what I was most interested in, she encouraged me to focus on eating a Mediterranean-inspired diet full of nutrient-dense fruit, veggies, lean protein, whole grains, and healthy fats versus processed foods. "People follow all sorts of different eating styles on 'feast' days," she told me, "but Mediterranean-style eating plans have the largest body of evidence to suggest both weight loss or maintenance and cognitive benefits for the long term."

Food restriction is like a road trip: When you can't use the bathroom, you instantly have to pee.

We decided I should start my fasting period at 15 hours, which meant on the first day I could eat between noon and 9 p.m but drink zero-calorie beverages at any point during the day. That didn't feel particularly restrictive, especially since I've never been a big breakfast person and typically only have coffee and a smoothie by noon. But what I learned is that food restriction is like going on a road trip: You don't think you need the bathroom, but the second you realize you won't have access to one for a while, you instantly have to pee.

Day 1: Starving by 8:30 A.M., Then Panic-Eating Lunch

That first day I woke up at 6:30 a.m. Two hours later, I was famished. My husband makes smoothies for us every morning (usually a combination of spinach, kale, frozen pineapple, banana, ground flax seeds, and this superfood green powder he gets at some healthy place) and I was basically drooling as I watched him down his before work.

Right away, I noticed I felt especially tired and unfocused. For one thing, it took me three hours to write something that normally would take one because my mind kept drifting off to what I was going to eat later. Also, my stomach was literally growling and I got a pretty annoying headache, something that happened again and again during those first couple days.

Traumatized from how hungry I'd been before, I made myself finish the veggies.

One thing that helped me get through the mornings was coffee. I usually drink two or three cups, with a little creamer. (I know, I know, almond milk is so much trendier/better for you, but it tastes like nutty water to me.) Since I was fasting, London advised I switch to half and half because it's harder to overdo. She also suggested not adding anything at all, but I just couldn't swing drinking it black.

When I was finally in the clear to eat, I threw open my cupboard and panic-ate two handfuls of granola just to get something in my system. I thought keeping my smoothie as my first meal would be no big deal given that "lunch" wouldn't be far behind. Big mistake. Huge. When you haven't eaten for 15 hours, an 8-ounce blend of kale and fruit just doesn't cut it. From that moment forward, I started planning a list of hearty "breakfast" options to replace it.

I decided to go a little café near my apartment for lunch and emailed London a couple items from the menu to get her opinion. She picked a bowl that had black and brown rice, tahini spread, roasted fennel, sweet potato, charred kale, pickled beet, a soft-boiled egg, and tamari dressing. I'd never had it, and it was super delicious and filling. In fact, I started to feel full about halfway through but, traumatized from how hungry I'd been that morning, I made myself finish the veggies to stave off any additional hunger pains. Afterward I felt like a new woman!

monk bowl
London helped me pick a filling lunch at a nearby cafe: black and brown rice, tahini spread, roasted fennel, sweet potato, charred kale, pickled beet, a soft-boiled egg, and tamari dressing.

Ashley Edwards Walker

Unfortunately, that feeling didn't last. When I went to hot yoga that evening, it became clear that I was still very unfocused and low-energy. First, I lost the key to my locker and needed help looking for it. Then I forgot my coat not once, but twice. And I usually take every opportunity to flow through my vinyasa in class, but that day I found myself coming down from planks and spending more time in child's pose than I've ever done before.

I was wiped by the time dinner rolled around, so I went super on-the-nose and ordered Mediterranean food: grilled chicken, Greek salad, rice, hummus, and whole-wheat pita. It was delicious and I went to bed that night feeling full, but not overly stuffed the way I sometimes feel when I don't eat as healthfully.

Day 2: Less Hunger Pains, More Major Headaches

The next day was another 15-hour fasting day, but I woke up around 4:30 a.m. and couldn't fall back asleep, which made for verrrry long morning of not eating. The good news is I learned from my mistakes and had my leftovers from dinner first instead of the smoothie. That solved the problem of my growling stomach, but the headaches and spacey feeling were still there.

For dinner that night, my husband made homemade whole-wheat pizza with lots of veggies and a teeny amount of cheese. I also had a glass of red wine. All of it was London-approved. She said the trick to drinking wine while doing IF is to not overdo it, since having more than a glass or two could make me dehydrated and trigger feelings of hunger, not to mention lose the willpower to avoid late-night snacking. I made sure to finish the glass by 9 — so not a problem.

Day 3: Ordering Out — And Skipping the Burger

Heading into the weekend, I upped the fasting to 16 hours on Saturday and 17 hours on Sunday. I knew I'd eat at least a couple meals out, so London advised me to order entrees that were at least 50% vegetable-based with some lean protein, healthy grains, and fats thrown in to keep me full. This made the plan very easy and simple to adhere to.

dinner out
When my husband and I ate out for dinner, I ordered a responsible salad ... with a side of lobster mac'n'cheese.

Ashley Edwards Walker

On Saturday morning I made my own breakfast bowl with kale, cherry tomatoes, avocado, two eggs, and two slices of bacon. For dinner that night, my husband and I tried a new restaurant. Everyone around us got the burger, which is probably what I would have chosen had I not been doing this plan. Instead, I ordered an arugula, fennel, and tomato salad and my husband got the crab cake sliders. We also got a small plate of the lobster mac'n'cheese, and I used the "I'm on a Mediterranean diet" excuse to eat most of the lobster since London suggested I eat more seafood. (I don't like fish, so this seemed like a win-win to me.)

Day 4: Drinking More Water Like an IF Pro

On Sunday we brunched at a Mexican place, and I passed up what would have been my usual go-to (tacos!) in favor of a eggs benedict-like entree that came with salad and potatoes — the closest thing to a vegetable-based dish on the menu. Later, I snacked on green pepper slices dipped in hummus, and ate leftover veggie pizza and a kale side salad for dinner.

mexican brunch
No tacos for brunch. Instead I got the breakfast version of eggs and potatoes.

Ashley Edwards Walker

Even though the daily headaches were still persisting, I felt like I was finally getting the hang of things. I asked London about them, and she encouraged me to drink more water. "The point of this type of fast versus others is that you're not required to skip non-caloric beverages," she explained. "Drinking tons of water, seltzer, and unsweetened caffeinated beverages all 'count' toward your daily hydration needs."

Days 5-7: Hitting the 18-Hour Fasting Mark

Over the remaining days I increased the number of fasting hours to 18. It honestly didn't feel like a huge adjustment since I'd been working up to it, but it did mean I could only eat between 2 and 8 p.m., not a lot of time to fit in three meals. On most days my first meal was a kale salad with cherry tomatoes, avocado, and grilled chicken tossed in olive oil and lemon juice. I'd have my usual smoothie or an apple with peanut butter and granola a few hours later if I was hungry.

shrimp and chard
A homemade dinner of zucchini noodles, shrimp, and sautéed chard near the end of my IF week.

Ashley Edwards Walker

Then not long after that it would be time for dinner. One night I made zucchini noodles and broccoli tossed with pesto, topped with shrimp, and served with a side of sautéed chard. Another night I did grilled chicken with brown rice and veggies. One time I did go totally off the rails and order a chicken sandwich with fries. "Totally fine," London told me when I confessed what I'd done. "The point is that most of your choices are veggie-heavy, which makes the occasional indulgence all that much easier to have and appreciate. Plus, potatoes are a vegetable!" Best news ever!

The Results: Mostly Into the Mediterranean Diet

ashley edwards walker
I felt good at the end of the week, but didn't lose any weight.

Ashley Edwards Walker

At the end of the week, I definitely felt lighter. When I weighed myself, however, the scale stayed exactly the same — down to the tenth of the pound. I also checked my measurements and apart from losing a quarter of an inch around my waist, there were no other differences in terms of my physical appearance.

I also didn't see any improvement in my cognitive abilities. By mid-week the fogginess and headaches had subsided, but who's to say whether it was better hydration, my body was acclimating to the plan, or a legit benefit of the fasting? I think I'd have to do IF for more than a week to get the answer to that question, and that's not something I'm particularly interested in doing.

London confirmed as much. "The 'brain fog' that comes with fasting is one of the main reasons why RDs like me aren't so quick to recommend it," she said. "You can't drive a car without gas, right? Having some food to fuel yourself properly for the day is 'feeding' your brain too. Since the cognitive benefits of fasting are mostly linked to long-term neurological benefits, not necessarily immediate ones, there's definitely an adjustment period."

The biggest personal benefit for me was sticking to a (mostly) Mediterranean-style of eating. Filling up half of my plate with veggies before anything else led to me making smarter food choices overall, especially when I ate out. And because I chose more nutrient-rich foods, I stayed fuller longer, making the mornings when I couldn't eat at least bearable.

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If you're considering trying IF, London suggests starting small. "I'd encourage you to keep it as simple as possible," she said. "Experiment with an 'early bird special' for dinner, close your kitchen once you're finished, aim to get more sleep overnight, and sit down for a full breakfast at your usual time tomorrow."

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How Fast Do You See Results With Intermittent Fasting



Intermittent Fasting And Lymphatic System

Intermittent Fasting And Lymphatic System


Fasting triggers stem cell regeneration of damaged, old immune system

Protection from chemotherapy immunosuppression indicates effect could be conserved in humans

Researcher Valter Longo at work
Corresponding author Valter Longo (USC Photo/Dietmar Quistorf)

In the first evidence of a natural intervention triggering stem cell-based regeneration of an organ or system, a study in the June 5 issue of the Cell Stem Cell shows that cycles of prolonged fasting not only protect against immune system damage — a major side effect of chemotherapy — but also induce immune system regeneration, shifting stem cells from a dormant state to a state of self-renewal.

In both mice and a Phase 1 human clinical trial involving patients receiving chemotherapy, long periods of not eating significantly lowered white blood cell counts. In mice, fasting cycles then "flipped a regenerative switch," changing the signaling pathways for hematopoietic stem cells, which are responsible for the generation of blood and immune systems, the research showed.

The study has major implications for healthier aging, in which immune system decline contributes to increased susceptibility to disease as people age. By outlining how prolonged fasting cycles — periods of no food for two to four days at a time over the course of six months — kill older and damaged immune cells and generate new ones, the research also has implications for chemotherapy tolerance and for those with a wide range of immune system deficiencies, including autoimmunity disorders.

"We could not predict that prolonged fasting would have such a remarkable effect in promoting stem cell-based regeneration of the hematopoietic system," said corresponding author Valter Longo, Edna M. Jones Professor of Gerontology and the Biological Sciences at the USC Davis School of Gerontology and director of the USC Longevity Institute. Longo has a joint appointment at the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences.

"When you starve, the system tries to save energy, and one of the things it can do to save energy is to recycle a lot of the immune cells that are not needed, especially those that may be damaged," Longo said. "What we started noticing in both our human work and animal work is that the white blood cell count goes down with prolonged fasting. Then when you re-feed, the blood cells come back. So we started thinking, well, where does it come from?"

Fasting cycles

Prolonged fasting forces the body to use stores of glucose, fat and ketones, but it also breaks down a significant portion of white blood cells. Longo likens the effect to lightening a plane of excess cargo.

During each cycle of fasting, this depletion of white blood cells induces changes that trigger stem cell-based regeneration of new immune system cells. In particular, prolonged fasting reduced the enzyme PKA, an effect previously discovered by the Longo team to extend longevity in simple organisms and which has been linked in other research to the regulation of stem cell self-renewal and pluripotency — that is, the potential for one cell to develop into many different cell types. Prolonged fasting also lowered levels of IGF-1, a growth-factor hormone that Longo and others have linked to aging, tumor progression and cancer risk.

"PKA is the key gene that needs to shut down in order for these stem cells to switch into regenerative mode. It gives the OK for stem cells to go ahead and begin proliferating and rebuild the entire system," explained Longo, noting the potential of clinical applications that mimic the effects of prolonged fasting to rejuvenate the immune system. "And the good news is that the body got rid of the parts of the system that might be damaged or old, the inefficient parts, during the fasting. Now, if you start with a system heavily damaged by chemotherapy or aging, fasting cycles can generate, literally, a new immune system."

Prolonged fasting also protected against toxicity in a pilot clinical trial in which a small group of patients fasted for a 72-hour period prior to chemotherapy, extending Longo's influential past research.

"While chemotherapy saves lives, it causes significant collateral damage to the immune system. The results of this study suggest that fasting may mitigate some of the harmful effects of chemotherapy," said co-author Tanya Dorff, assistant professor of clinical medicine at the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center and Hospital. "More clinical studies are needed, and any such dietary intervention should be undertaken only under the guidance of a physician."

"We are investigating the possibility that these effects are applicable to many different systems and organs, not just the immune system," said Longo, whose lab is in the process of conducting further research on controlled dietary interventions and stem cell regeneration in both animal and clinical studies.

The study was supported by the National Institute of Aging of the National Institutes of Health (grant numbers AG20642, AG025135, P01AG34906). The clinical trial was supported by the V Foundation and the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health (P30CA014089).

Chia Wei-Cheng of USC Davis was first author of the study. Gregor Adams, Xiaoying Zhou and Ben Lam of the Eli and Edythe Broad Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at USC; Laura Perin and Stefano Da Sacco of the Saban Research Institute at Children's Hospital Los Angeles; Min Wei of USC Davis; Mario Mirisola of the University of Palermo; Dorff and David Quinn of the Keck School of Medicine of USC; and John Kopchick of Ohio University were co-authors of the study.

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Fasting triggers stem cell regeneration of damaged, old immune system

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Intermittent Fasting And Lymphatic System



urban poster mockup free psd

urban poster mockup free psd

Poster mockups are mainly used to give an idea of what the printed design poster would look like. When you created your design, it's critically important to present it to your client in the best possible way. Creating a poster can be a fun task, but what if your client wants to see it in the real world? Of course, you can print your design and put it in a frame, but this way may be quite expensive.

These days you don't need to print your design in order to imagine it in a frame. There are tons of cool creative PSD mockups available online which can simulate your design being printed, wrapped in canvas, and even placed on a billboard. Make sure to visit our page for free business card mockups and Instagram mockups.

Best Free Poster Mockups

In this list, we have collected 55 high-quality poster mockups you can download absolutely free. It includes features like smart object layers to create a preview of your design quickly.

1. Free Poster Mockup Design

This is an amazing set of mockups to showcase your poster. It has a portrait with wood grain background, a landscape orientation poster with pegboard background, a portrait with a plain dark background, a square with a plain light background, and more.


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2. Poster in blue Room Mockup

Here is a nice photo realistic poster hanging on a wall in a blue room. The dark blue colored background can help any color used in the poster stand out, catching the viewers attention towards the poster.


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3. Vintage Poster Presentation Mockup

This is a high-resolution poster mockup in a vintage style with smart objects to insert your design. Also, because of the wooden and a metal included in the image, this mockup also has a rustic look to it.


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4. Poster MockUp PSD

This freebie consists of two mockups with portrait and landscape posters on a yellow wall. Yellow is associated with energy and optimism, which would be perfect if you want to present a poster that is full of energy.


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5. Bus Stop Billboard MockUp #2

If you need to create a presentation of an advertising campaign, this mockup with bus stop flyer will help you. This mockup is great because it will help you get a realistic view of what your poster would look like presented out to the viewers.


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6. Cool Poster MockUps for Photoshop

Here are two clean mockups with posters laying on a surface and held by a binder clip. Because of its beautiful and gradient shade of pink to blue, this mockup will visually capture the audience's attention.


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7. 3 Urban Poster MockUps

These are three urban realistic poster mockups which are simulating a printed advertising on street walls. This poster gives you a glimpse of what the poster would look like in the real world. For example, this poster is between two windows on the outside of a business.


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8. Free Poster Mockup

Here is a simple poster hanging on a wall which will be a perfect choice to showcase a nightclub flyer. Because of its grey background and simplicity, any poster will stand out and look impressively good.


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9. Free Poster Mockup

Here is a clean poster on a wall with nice creases on paper just like it was folded in four. Use color to visually capture the audience's attention and show off your poster in the best ways possible.


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10. A4 Psd Flyer Mock-Up

This beautiful A4 mockup will help you to showcase flyers and posters. The gradient grey background will help your poster stand out and it is very easy to edit. Using smart layers, this template lets you easily drag and drop images so you can give the mock-up the look you want.


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11. Psd Poster Frame Mockup Vol6

This is a poster in a frame on a white wall. You can easily change the color of the frame to fit your design, along with the background. The background you choose whether you want it to have just a solid color or a brink design like demonstrated here.


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12. Framed Vintage Poster Mockup

Here is one more poster mockup in vintage style. This shabby chic mockup consists of the frame leaning against an old wall and as a decoration a simple pitcher with a withering plant. This mockup visually appeals to the audience enhancing the viewer's attention to the poster.


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13. Flyer – Poster Frame Mockups

Don't be just plain and boring. Use this simple poster mockup PSD with size 1920×1280 pixels. With its simplicity, this mockup still has some visual appeal to enhance the viewer's attention to your poster. It is an easy mockup template to use and will display your poster in a framing effect.


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14. Free Frame Mockup

This is a simple clean frame mockup which you can use for your poster design. This mockup is very easy to work with to display your poster, not only will you be able to give your poster a different perspective, but you will also give it a visually appealing effect.


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15. Wall Poster Frame PSD MockUp

Here is a poster in a frame on a brick wall which looks really stylish. Becuase of the brink background, you give your poster a realistic view, but if you are not a fan of the brink background you can change the background to give your mockup the look you want.


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16. Poster Frame PSD MockUp #2

This amazing simple frame leaned against the wall will help you to show off your poster designs. The simplicity of the background allows your poster to stand out. In fact, your poster does not have to be vertical it could also be horizontal.


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17. A4 Poster MockUp & Frame MockUp PSD

These are the A4 poster mockup and the poster frame mockup. You can utilize both to present a stunning minimalist poster.Not only will you be able to show off your poster, but you will also be able to make your message on the poster stand out.


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18. Poster PSD Mockup

With this great mockup PSD, you can showcase your poster designs in a realistic interior. This Poster mockup is very easy to use and will make your poster stand out.  The elements for this mockup consist of a plant with a suitcase and a lantern on top, giving this mock up a sense of adventure.


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19. 2 Free Realistic Poster/Frame Mockup

This is high-quality poster mockup PSD with a realistic interior free for personal and commercial use. This poster consists of wooden toy next to a plant, and books stacked up in an organized way.


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20. Framed Poster in Kitchen Mockup

This is a nice frame leaning against a kitchen wall which you can use for your cooking posters. In fact, this mockup includes a coffee maker, a cup of coffee on a wooden tray which is the perfect setting for a library or a calm place for reading.


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21. Elegant Horizontal Poster Mockup

This elegant amazing poster mockup with real interior can be used to showcase photography. This elegant mockup shows a modern room design


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22. Man holding Poster in Hand Mockup

Here is a good mockup where a man is holding a poster in hand.


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23. Poster Artwork Presentation Mockup

This is one more photorealistic poster mockup in an elegant interior.


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24. Stylish Poster Presentation Mockup

This is a stylish scene showing a poster with a lamp and a chair.


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25. Poster Frame Showcasing Mockup

This is a nice poster mockup in a real white interior with stylish details.


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26. Clean Poster Mockup

Here is a simple clean modern poster mockup showing a vertically-oriented poster.


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27. Two Posters on a Desk Mockup

If you need to showcase two poster designs side-by-side, use this free mockup.


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28. Poster on Office Wall Mockup

This is a simple poster on an office wall with a Macbook on a desk.


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29. Photo Frames and Posters Mockup PSD Bundle

This is a creative photorealistic poster mockup showing a wall of a kids room. This mock-up comes in a bundle that are home-based mockups to show a cozy and more relatable  scenic background for your poster, drawing the audience attention to something that is more recognizable.


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30. A1 Poster on Sideboard Mockup

This is an elegant beautiful poster mockup with A1 size. The simplicity of the mockup makes you poster look elegant which will result in making your poster stand out. This mockup looks like a crafty scene, making it perfect for a creative and artsy poster.


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31. Horizontal Poster Mockup Free Commercial Use

If you are looking for a rustic and vintage mock-up, then this is the mock up for you. This mock-up consists of an old iron chair with a wooden seat next to an old floor cabinet. Since it has a rustic look, this mockup has an outdoorsy and framing scene with the small detailed elements used.

horizontal poster mockup

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32. Free Vertical & Horizontal Black Frames Mockups

Looking for a pack of mockups to show off your poster, then use this Vertical and Horizontal Frames Mockup. This mockup consists of different frames for you to be able to pick the perfect frame and look for your poster.

free verctical poster mockup

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33. Free Hand Holding Horizontal Poster Mockup PSD

This mockup consists of a woman holding the poster against a white brick wall and grey floor. Because of the white background, any color used in the poster is sure to stand out and make your poster look amazing.


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34. Female Free Poster Frame Mockup

Having a poster in nature is not that common, but looking at this mockup you get a fresh and natural vibe from the poster. If you want a natural and fresh look, then this is the mockup for you to use.

female Free Poster Frame Mockup

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35. A4 Wall Poster Free Mockup 2018

For a retro wall mockup that will make any poster stand out beautifully, then this is the mock-up you want to use. Because of its navy blue backgrounds, and old building wall, your poster would look so realistic.

A4 Wall Poster free Mockup 2018

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36. Free Standing Poster On Wood Mockup

If you are looking for a mockup that would look great outdoors, then this mock up can resemble a poster that has been hung or set on a white wooden fence. Since the fence is white, any colors used on the postor stand out beautifully.

Free Standing Poster on Wood Mockup

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37. Free Gorgeous Wall Frame Mockup

Looking for a gorgeous mockup that will make your poster stand out then use this mockup that consists of a simple hanging frame with a vase of flowers, a lamp, and a small dog object on what could be a desk.

Free Gorgeous Wall Frame Mockup

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38. Elegant Photography Free Poster Mockup

This elegant poster mockup is simple, with just a plant and what appears a be a camera lens in the background. You can make your poster stand out because of the neutral colored background there is on the slide.

elegant photography Free Poster Mockup

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39. Free Outdoor Roadside Poster PSD Mockup

Want to see what your beautiful and creative poster looks like outside on the roadside? Well, this mock-up gives you a glimpse of what your poster could look like. Thiss realistic mock with make your poster standout and make a significant impact.

Free Outdoor Roadside Poster PSD Mockup

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40. Free Vintage Poster Mockup

This vintage mock up poster design is creative and can make your poster stand out using the dark grey background. The two colors used to contrast each other makes your mock up stand out.


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41. Beautiful Free Poster Frame Mockup

The color orange is a beautiful and bright color that is eye-catching, which is what this mockup is.  Because of its beautiful use of the color orange in this well-designed mockup, the poster you present will be stand out.

Beautiful free Poster Frame Mockup

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42. Free Interior Showcase Poster Frame Mockup

Are you looking for modern and attractive mockup template? Then this template is a modern and clean mockup that will attract the viewer's attention with its clean and unique look. This mock up consists of two small plants, and flamed poster mockup.

Free Interior Showcase Poster Frame Mockup

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43. Man Holding Poster Mockup

This bright poster being held by a man can help show your big ideas in a bright and creative way. Don't just show your poster, but impress your audience with your creativity. Enhance their attention by using bright colors.

Man Holding Poster Mockup

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44. Free Outdoor Poster Sign Mockup

If you want to see what your poster looks like on a sign, then this mock-up is designed to outside a store on a sidewalk with the poster on a sign. In the background, you can see blurred out bikes.


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45. A4 Flyer Free Poster Mockup PSD

This creative poster mock-up is on a wooden floor surrounded by green plants. This mock-up comes in so many different sizes, that can be used to be printed on flyers and posters.

A4 Flyer free Poster Mockup PSD

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46. Room Interior Standing Free Poster Mockup

For modern mockup, use this interior mockup design that is in a bedroom. The mock-up contains a clean bedroom with a stack of books and freshly folded laundry. This mockup is clean and even though there are many objects, the audience can still focus on the poster.

Room Interior Standing Free Poster Mockup

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47. Poster Frame In Hand Mockup Free Psd

This poster mock-up frame, that is being held in nature has a fresh look and feel to it. When you see green, there is a sense of prosperity and just new feel to it which is what nature represents. Don't settle for any other background that will overwhelm the audience or just not be effective for your poster.

Poster Frame in Hand Mockup Free PSD

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48. Free PSD Poster Mockup For Branding 2018

This mockup background is a blank wall with the poster on the floor. Even though there is nothing else on the mock-up, the creative way the poster is designed as if it fell from the wall makes this mock-up interesting and appealing.

Free PSD Poster Mockup For Branding 2018

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49. Free Poster Mockup For Design Branding

For a fun and creative mockup that will light up the room with some bright colors and all your big ideas.The colors used throughout the mockup are a light blue color with yellow. Both colors will make anything on your mockup stand out.

Free Poster Mockup For Design Branding

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50. Free Simple Modern PSD Poster Frame Mockup 2018

Simplicity is always an effective way to make your message heard. This mock-up consists of a poster that is framed, and what seems to hang on a white wall.  This simple, yet effective mockup is sure to ca[ture your audience attention to your poster.

Free Simple Modern PSD Poster Frame Mockup 2018

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51. Free Poster And Computer Mockup

This is a double featured mockup, showing it off on a computer screen and in a regular poster frame. Because of the white background, the small details that make up this mockup stand out, which enhances the audience focus on what is being shown in the image.

Free poster and computer Mockup

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52. Free Wooden Stand Perspective View Poster Mockup

This is a simple mockup that stands out in the light grey background, that makes anything and everything with stand out. The mockup would be sitting on a wooden poster holder. This keeps the viewer focused n the poster with no distractions.

Free Wooden Stand Perspective View Poster Mockup

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53. Free Minimal Poster Mockup 2018

This minimal mockup consists of a monochrome background, that is sure to make any colorful mockup stand out. The posters are shown to be on the floor leaning against the wall.

Free Minimal Poster Mockup 2018

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54. Free Poster Frame PSD Mockup

This modern Poster Frame Mockup uses a white couch with black pillows, giving the mockup a clean and relaxing look. This is perfect because there is not too much where the audience could get distracted and overwhelmed.

Free Poster Frame Psd Mockup

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55. Clean Minimalist Frame Poster Mockup

If you are looking for simple mockup, then this minimalist frame mockup will be perfect for you. The background consists of a soft color in the background with a patterned tile floor. The mockup would be right in the center, grabbing the viwers attention.

Clean minimalist Frame Poster Mockup

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Premium Poster Mockups

1. Clean Poster Mockup

For a clean and clear message, this poster mockup is straightforward and high quality. This poster mockup is simple and fully editable using the Smart Object feature.

Poster Mockup

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2. Poster Frame Mockup Set

For a vertical poster that is narrow and long, this poster mockup would be great to show off your unique designs and artwork. Using the Smart Object feature makes it easy to change images and personalize it.

Poster Frame Mockup Set

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3. Hanging Poster Frame Mockup

There are five styles to hang your designs and artwork. This mockup has a professional look and has 5 different hanging styles. Using the Smart Object feature helps you personalize and create a masterpiece.

Hanging Poster Frame Mockup

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4. Poster Mockups Studio Scene

Another easy to edit mockup using the Smart Object feature. The professional photo shoots used for this mockup are great for capturing peoples attention.

Poster Mockups Studio Scene

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5. Poster Mockups

A simple and easy mockup that looks very classy. This mockup includes 7 ways to hang your work, 3 different backgrounds, and 5 different lighting effects.

Poster Mockups

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6. Urban Poster Mockup Bundle

People don't pay attention to posters and advertisements long enough, so when they do you need to make sure it's outstanding and eye-catching. With this layout, this helps you examine your work in a reallocation.

Urban Poster Mockup Bundle

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7. Wheatpaste Poster Mockup

This fully editable mockup has 3 background textures to use. You can use the Smart Object feature to create your poster and be able to show off your creativity and masterpiece.

Wheatpaste Poster Mockup

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8. Outdoor Advertising Mockup

Anywhere outdoors in a public area is always a great location and idea to advertise. This mockup helps you create a poster professionally and realistically.

Outdoor Advertising Mock Up

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9. Poster Mockups Indoor And Outdoor

With the Smart Object button, creating this mockup has never been easy. It is great for outdoor advertisement and the colorful and bright colors capture people's attention.

Poster mockups indoor and outdoor

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10. Mockup Frame Creator

This clean and professional mockup is a creative and great way to advertise and show off your artwork.

Mockup Frame Creator

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11. Poster Mockup I

A mockup where you can add your artwork and design of any size inside the frame. There are organized layers and the background to recolor.

Poster mockup I

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12. A3 Poster Mockup

This Photoshop has 10 layered files that are easy to edit by changing the colors, adding shadows, and changing the background. You do not have to be a professional at using Photoshop, so this provides a PDF aid file.

A3 Poster Mockup

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13. 4 Poster Mockup Bundle

There are four different scenes. With the Photoshop Smart Object, this feature makes it easy to edit and create a one of a kind design. This mockup is great to use for any size poster.

4 Poster Mockup Bundle

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14. Bus Station Poster Mockup

The bus station is a great place to advertise because people get on and off, and its a public place that is in various locations.

Bus Station Poster Mockup

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15. Urban Poster Mockup Vol7

How long do people look at advertisements? When creating a poster, it needs to be well designed and an eye-catcher to capture your audience's attention.

Urban Poster Mockup VOL7

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16. Poster Frame Mockup Bundle

You have 9 different frame styles and positions for you to add your artwork or design. With the Smart Object feature, it is easy to personalize, and it is organized with layers for you to work in Photoshop.

Poster Frame Mockup Bundle

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17. Urban Poster Mockup Vol9

You see advertisement everywhere! Create a poster to make you stand out from the rest. This mockup lets you test your creation before it is out in the real world.  This helps in making sure that the advertisement looks good and is ready to be displayed.

Urban Poster Mockup VOL9

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18. Poster Frame Mockup Fits All Sizes

This file includes 8 different types of frames with different types of wood being used. You can personalize it and create a realistic design with adding shadows and changing the background.  Also, you may change the poster clips, textures, and the reflection on the image.

Poster Frame Mockup fits ALL sizes

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19. Urban Poster Mockup Vol2

Advertising can be difficult. You have to know what will capture the audience's attention and have them interested in what you are trying to sell or inform them about.

Urban Poster Mockup VOL2

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20. Billboard Poster Mockup

This billboard poster is easy to use, just copy and paste your image or artwork and viola, your masterpiece is ready to be seen by the people. Stand out from the rest of the billboards and let your message be heard.

Billboard Poster Mockup

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21. Poster Mockup Tabloid

This poster mockup is well layered and organized. There are 7 framing options, 7 hanging options, and 6 background options. The mockup poster is designed to be paper sized or for tabloids with a 11×17 size.

Poster Mock Up Tabloid

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22. Theatrical Movie Poster Mockup

This theatrical art mockup is a high-quality and easy to edit using the Smart Object feature. You can change the background, and it is simple to edit with how organized it is and the labeled layers.

Theatrical Movie Poster Mockup

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23. Poster Frame Mockup Set 2

With this easy to edit poster, that includes 10 Photoshop files. You can change all the layers and double-click a selected layer to change the pictures and personalize it the way you like.

Poster Frame Mockup Set 2

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24. Street Billboard Mockup

This high- quality poster is easy to edit and fully customizable. Thanks to the Smart Object feature you can just copy and paste your artwork. Create a unique poster design and stand out.

Street Billboard Mockup

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25. Posters In The Subway Mockup Set

For a vertical poster that is fully editable and all the layers can be converted into small objects. With just a click of a couple of buttons, you can change the image, and it will be easy for you to edit.

Posters in the subway Mockup Set

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urban poster mockup free psd

